About Us » Mission/Vision/GLOs





Makalapa Elementary is a school where our dedicated staff inspire students to be college, career, and citizenship ready.




All Makalapa students learn, persevere, achieve, and succeed.



At Makalapa, we believe . . .

  • Each student is a valued individual with unique physical, social, emotional, and intellectual needs. 
  • A student’s self-esteem is enhanced by positive relationships and mutual respect among and between students and staff.
  • A student learns best when there are appropriate opportunities for success.
  • Teachers, parents, and the community share the responsibility for the support of the school’s mission.
General Learner Outcomes (GLOs)

Makalapa Elementary School committed to standards-based education.  We desire all our students to attain six overarching goals for all of the content and performance standards.  These, General Learner Outcomes (GLO) are...

        • GLO #1 - The ability to be responsible for one's own learning.
        • GLO #2 - The understanding that it is essential for human beings to work together.
        • GLO #3 - The ability to be involved in complex thinking and problem-solving.
        • GLO #4 - The ability to recognize and produce quality performance and quality products.
        • GLO #5 - The ability to use communication skills to function effectively in society.
        • GLO #6 - The ability to use a variety of technologies effectively and ethically.